Are you wondering how to win your ex back? Relationship can be the highlight of life. You think you have found a partner for life and everything is going good. Suddenly, things take another turn and your partner wants to break up with you. You feel shocked and confused. Even so, you still wonder how to win your ex back. Here are a few tips that may work in getting your ex back.

The first step in how to win your ex back is to examine your feelings. Ask yourself if you really want to win them back. What kind of characteristic do the posses to make you want them back in your life? Write down all the traits you like about your ex. Are you really in love with them or is it just the way they make you feel? In other words, is it a passing infatuation? Can you get the same thing for someone else?

Now, determine how your ex felt about you? did they treat you nice? Love can cause us to be blind and not realize when we are being mistreated. Respond to these questions and theories as honestly as you can. If after you make an analysis of your true feelings and still want to be back with them, then maybe learning how to get your ex back is a good move.

After you have decide to go ahead with your plan, it is time to decide what broke your relationship up in the first place. This will be tricky and take some deep searching. You might could say it is arguing but that is just a symptom and not the cause. Often, the cause goes deeper.

Never use mind games on your ex. Though this is normal in Hollywood, it is still a bad idea that can lead to more trouble. For instance, if you date another person out of spite, your ex may be pushed to do the same. Avoid being pushy and possessive. Give your ex some space and they may decide to get back with you own their own. Each of you need time to deal with the breakup. Stay away from confrontation. This is not the smartest means of getting your ex back.

A broken relationship is hard for anyone so if you do decide to talk with with one another, don’t demand apologies and be civil. You want to get back with them and not play the blame game.One of you will soon have to swallow your pride. Someone will need to stop letting their ego get in the way.This person may be you. After you show some humbleness, your ex could soon follow.

This is a few words of advice on how to get back with your ex which should increase your chances of making up with them. It isn’t hard but healing a relationship isn’t always easy, either. Keep in mind it may not work for every situation. Sometimes, we must except the circumstance and move on with our lives. In any case, give it your best.


Anna Perkins is a relationship writer who offers her own forthright opinion over the worlds of dating, romance, relationships , marriage and friendships. She loves cats, traveling, spending time with her son and husband.

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