I’ve been saving up this amazing downtown Disney flashmob proposal for some time and wanted to publish just before Christmas to help bring some holiday cheer. I had the pleasure of interviewing the guy who planned the whole thing and can now share his story below. Enjoy!

Please introduce yourselves

My name is Jamin and the my lovely lady is Valerie Love.

So tell us what inspired you to put together this downtown Disney flashmob proposal?

The proposal was performed with some of our fellow dancers in the community at downtown disney. The entire idea was thought up and choreographed by me as we’re both dancers in the community and have been dancing for years and now direct a junior dance team by the name of Marvels Dance Company.

Everyone in the video was involved in the process as far as dancing and recording and editing. The proposal/flashmob almost didn’t happen due to security issues with Disneyland but with the blessing of God it was able to work out even better in our favor!!

So how did it all go down? How long were you working on it and how did you keep it such a secret?

The entire process took a month to put together with the other dancers. There were many nights where I had to make up stories to prevent Val from finding anything out. I even had friends take her out to hang out with her to allow me time to practice with the others.

It was a special day and a blessing to have everyone there and we’re so thankful for all the support that has been given to us and our video!!

Well you definitely did an amazing job Jamin. Val is one lucky lady and I can’t wait to hear what you’ve got planned for the wedding itself! Thank you for sharing your story. I hope it brings inspiration to more guys out there in need of an amazing proposal idea.


Anna Perkins is a relationship writer who offers her own forthright opinion over the worlds of dating, romance, relationships , marriage and friendships. She loves cats, traveling, spending time with her son and husband.

1 Comment

  1. I have never seen a more romantic and memorable proposal in my life. This couple were amazing from beginning to end. It was like something from a story book. Jamin is a very sweet man and Valerie is one lucky lady.

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