So here you have it: twenty weird and kinky sex positions that could do wonders in the private room (bedroom) or scare your partner totally. These positions are for partners involved in secure and safe sex, and communication is obviously a must. If you crave kinky and crazy sex, then you need to learn some awesome sex poses. Here I am going to show you 20 of the weirdest, most exciting sex positions that you definitely need to try with your partner if you are willing to have truly unique, horny, fun and crazy sex.

20 Kinky Sex Ideas For You To Enjoy 🙂

1. The Pancake

A more severe variant of the legs on the shoulders spot, this one indeed keeps you on the toe. Initiate with your upper body more or less vertical and your partner’s legs on your shoulders. Come down slowly until you are mainly folding her in half. For more control, you can reach around her back with your arms and pull her tightly towards you.

2. Swivel And Grind

If you are working with a little less than an ordinary commoner, the Swivel and Grind is your buddy, instead of all pumping in and out, which is actually better for you than it is for your partner. Instead, once you are inside your partner, rotate your hip to twist and grind inside of her, pressing your beam as hard as you can against her clitoris.

3. Spread Eagle

This one is not at all for freshers, as it requires a lightly little bondage. But if you are discovering kinky options with your partner, this is a great option that allows you to take a more leading and dominating role while still providing both of you with a lot of closeness. With your partner on her back, make her spread her legs and knot her ankles and her wrists together. You then have total control over a very sweaty, steamy and powerful gambol.

4. Backdoor Planking

This is a pose where the lady partner lies on her stomach with her legs positioned close together and makes a way in from the backside. This pose needs little task on her behalf, but it feels lovely because her legs are placed nearly together, which makes for a tighter entry for him and increases the intensity of her sensation.

5. Spooning

It is one of the “squeeziest” ways of the sex positions, but that does not mean you can not make it strong. You lie on your side and your companion in front of you, facing away. Penetrate her from back, and then both of you can be in command of the pace and deepness of thrusting.

6. Doggy-Style Chicken Wing

This is a sensational, upfront, doggy-style version. Initiate in the typical doggy style posing and then elevate her up by her thighs. Ensure your arm/hand is beneath her leg to sustain.

7. The Superhero

In this view, you bend her over a table or desk with her using it for support. Then, once you are penetrated inside her, elevate her pelvis slowly up until her feet are actually above the floor and you are holding on to her as you plunge in and out.

8. Cowgirl – Out of Control

In this one, the male companion kneels and sits back on his heels, and the woman sits on top of him, facing away, to maintain complete control since he cannot plunge with more power when on his knees.

9. The Backseat Special

It is a preferred sex spot because it is the most suitable spot to have sex when you are usually surrounded by unsuitable places to have sex. So if you and your partner are driving down the hillside and you are bored as sin and get sophisticatedly horny, you can’t have a roll well on the interstate.

10. The Waterfall

Initiate by laying on the bed or couch with your head near the border and your partner on top of you, but rather than riding you from her knees, she will need to bend back and transfer her weight to her feet. Once she has got the position down, shuffle towards the border of the couch or bed, making your head and shoulders slide off onto the floor while your hips remain lifted.

11. Zen Sex

If you have a desperate desire for something more, then try this pose. To pull it off, your partner should keep her legs in a full lotus position and bend forward on her hands. Or else your partner can shuffle her hips up and down.

12. High Times

You need to be able to present the splits when your man supports you with a hand below each thigh as you balance yourself manually with your hands on his shoulders. Once you are balanced, then your man could go to your tunnel with his mouth & tongue. Ensure that you don’t lose your balance.

13. Gateway Arch

In this pose, your man will have to have a lot of penile elasticity to perform it at ease. To present the Gateway Arch, you both need to rock into each other softly.

14. Lemon Squeezer

Even though it is tough to perform, it is excellent for striking the G Spot. Ensure that your man does not thrust too tight and push you over.

15. Hyperion

Hyperion wants you to sustain your legs as straight as possible. It is the accurate pose for your partner for anal sex, but don’t assume to last long in it. Be sure to use your hands to balance on your own when your partner softly thrusts.

16. Preying Mentis

This performance is actually effortless. All your partner needs to do is snatch your feet and use them to bow your legs backwards. The more back he bends them, the lower he will penetrate you. Biting his head off after copulation is not recommended.

17. Side Splitter

This is particularly one of the most accessible poses to perform from this list of kinky sex positions. You have to be able to point your toes at the ceiling with a straight leg. You will enjoy this like crazy.

18.Newtons Third Law

In this pose, the more you lean back, the more your man has to bend back, allowing him to imply an equal but reverse force onto you to uphold your position.

19. The Butter Churner

Yes, it literally refers to the olden method of mixing cream into butter. It sounds wild and looks crazy, but it is a mood generator in the bedroom. One partner lies on his back and curls up into a ball. The other partner then sits on top and thrusts away. Although it can cause back and neck pain, both partners will still experience tremendous pleasure.

20. The Road to Glory

This looks, sounds, and probably feels very crazy. One partner bends over, touching his toes. Other partners do the same, and both line up themselves accordingly to ensure ultimate pleasure. The partner then thrusts; however, both partners find it challenging to support themselves and fall over.


So there you have it, twenty kinky sex positions that can shower thunderstorms in the bedroom or scare off your partner forever. These poses are for couples involved in safe sex, and communication is precisely a must. We have shown you the benefits; now, the rest is at your own risk. Enjoy !!!


Anna Perkins is a relationship writer who offers her own forthright opinion over the worlds of dating, romance, relationships , marriage and friendships. She loves cats, traveling, spending time with her son and husband.

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